
How to add to the VKontakte blacklist? Adding to the blacklist on VKontakte - options, adding procedure I can’t add to the blacklist on VKontakte

The social network VKontakte offers its users, in addition to the main functions, additional ones that allow you to customize your page as comfortably as possible. The Black List is one of them. With it, you can get rid of the annoying user and limit his access to your page. Sometimes this feature can be very useful. Surely you have come across annoying characters who were boring or annoying, and you wondered how to add to the “Black List” on VKontakte? In this article, we will help you find the answer and tell you in more detail how to protect yourself and your profile from unwanted users.

Where « In contact with » "Black list"?

So, in order to get to the section where you can get rid of the annoying person forever, you need to go to the “My Settings” item and then select the “Black List” tab. A window will open in front of you in which you will be given the opportunity to add a new user and a list of already “deleted” ones (if there are any, of course).

How to add to the “Black List” on VKontakte » ?

In order to block access to your page for some users, you will need to do the following:

How to remove from the “Black List”?

Unblocking a user is as simple as adding them to the “Black List” on VKontakte. To do this, select the same menu item “My Settings” and in the specified list click the button located opposite the “remove from black list” link. Immediately after these actions, the recently blocked user will again be able to visit your page, view photos, comment on them and write messages.

How to restrict access to a page?

If you need to restrict access to a user, you don’t have to look for the answer to the question of how to add to the “Black List” on VKontakte. An excellent option would be to set up privacy settings. To do this, go to the “My Settings” menu item, then select the second tab called “Privacy”. We will see a whole list of parameters that we can control ourselves. For example, you can limit the category of people who can view your photos, comment on images, posts on the page, write messages, see your news, and so on. So, now you know how to add to the “Black List” on VKontakte. You don’t have to use this function, but it will always help you out in a situation if you need to refuse to communicate with someone whose company you don’t like.

Some people know how to pester us! Even if we manage to avoid communicating with them in real life, they find us on social networks. However, the virtual environment does not oblige us to endure someone’s unpleasant presence. So, gentlemen, uninvited guests, welcome to the blacklist!

Black lists (black lists) store the names of people with whom the account owner does not want to communicate. This function is also available on the website. Today we’ll talk about how to add a person to the blacklist in Odnoklassniki in four simple ways. And also how to remove it from there and whether it is possible from another user’s blacklist.

Sending a page visitor to the blacklist

And so, in order to be blacklisted, the unwanted guest doesn’t even have to do nasty things to you. Simply visiting your page is enough. Of course, it won’t be included in the blacklist on its own (but I would like to), but you can do it with literally two clicks of the mouse:
  • Open the section " Guests».
  • Hover over the visitor's photo.
  • In the menu that appears next, select “ Block».

  • In the next window, click " Block" again. This will confirm your desire to blacklist the person.

A blocked visitor will no longer be able to visit your page, write you a message, rate a photo, or leave a comment. However, it will see when you are on the site.

Blocking spammers and bores who write unnecessary messages

And getting rid of spam distributors and annoying people who like to write in a chat or forum is also quite simple. To do this, you don’t have to look for a “graphomaniac” among the guests. You can ban him right at the scene of the crime.

Ban via Messages

  • Open the section " Messages" and go to the chat with the desired (or rather, unnecessary) user.
  • Click the gear icon in the top right corner of the chat. In the drop-down menu, select the option “ Block».

  • Confirm your intention again by clicking the " Block" in the window that will open after this.

Ban via forum

  • On your page: go to the section " More", which is located in the menu to the right of your photo. Select " Forum».
  • Hover over the unwanted user's message. The buttons “ Block" And " Spam" Clicking the first one will transfer the author to your blacklist. If, in addition to this, you click the second one, the resource administration will know about spamming.

How to punish people who give low ratings to your photos

If one of your visitors doesn’t like your photos and expresses this by displaying “twos” and “ones,” you have the right to make sure that he can no longer look at them at all. How? Well, of course, by adding it to a blacklist, and at the same time by removing unwanted ratings.
  • Go to the album where the desired photo is stored, and without opening it, click on the “ Ratings"(circled in the screenshot below).

  • Hover your mouse over the rating you want to remove. A time stamp and a cross will appear to the right of it (option “ Delete"). Click on it.

  • After deleting a rating, you will be prompted to block the rater. Check the appropriate box and confirm your intention.

How to deal with commentators who write nasty things

You can delete not only a rating, but also an unpleasant comment on the photo. And also - to say goodbye to its author forever. The manipulation is very similar to removing a rating and is no more complex.
  • Open your photo album and find the photo you want. Click on the icon shown in the screenshot " Comments».

  • Hover your mouse over the unwanted comment. A timestamp and a cross will appear on the right side of it. Clicking the latter will delete the message text.

  • To ban the person who wrote it at the same time, check in the next box “ Block the author of the comment» and confirm your decision.

How to remove a person from the blacklist

It happens that instead of enemies, friends accidentally end up on the blacklist. This is not good. To fix the error, go to the menu " More" and select the option " Black list" This will take you to the section of the page where the users you have blocked are located.

Hover your mouse over your friend's photo and click " Unblock" All!

By the way, go to the section “ Black list"You can do it in another way: through the menu at the bottom of any page on the site.

Is it possible to remove yourself from the blacklist of another Odnoklassniki user?

You can't. Otherwise, this function would have no practical meaning. However, this does not mean that you have lost contact with the person forever, because in addition to the technical means of Odnoklassniki, there are other possibilities.

No, I don't encourage you to try to hack a friend's account (because that's not fair to the person you want to communicate with). The negotiation method is much more effective. To do this, register a new profile on Ok.ru or use other means of communication. It doesn’t matter which ones - it’s important to find words that will convince the person to restore contact with you. And if he is not too offended by you, you can hope that you will leave his blacklist.

Also on the site:

How to add a person to the blacklist in Odnoklassniki: 4 ways updated: November 29, 2016 by: Johnny Mnemonic

In the modern world, almost every person has a smartphone. Thanks to this, you can almost always contact the user simply by calling his number. Unfortunately, in addition to the necessary subscribers, the user can almost always get through to “unwanted” numbers. That is why almost every modern smartphone has a “black list” function, thanks to which the phone will automatically reject calls from unwanted numbers without causing inconvenience to the owner.

Blocking calls on an Android smartphone

In order to block incoming calls on an Android device you need to:
  • Open the “Phone” program from the program menu or simply click on the dial icon.
  • In the program that opens, go to the “Journal” or “Recent” tab. On most phones it is displayed as a clock icon. This tab will display all phone calls.
  • In the list you need to find the number you want to block and long press on it until the pop-up menu appears.
  • In it you need to select the “Block number” option.

    On some smartphones, you can block a number through the phone settings menu. To do this the user will need:
  • Open the Phone app

  • At the top of the program, find an icon in the form of three vertical dots. Click on it.

  • In the window that opens, select “Settings”.

  • In the submenu that appears, you need to click on the “Call Blocking” button.

  • By selecting it, another menu will appear, which will display already blocked numbers and the “add number” option. By clicking on it, a window will appear in which you need to enter the number required for blocking.

    Since Android is an open operating system and each manufacturer configures it differently, how to blacklist a mobile phone number may differ on some phones. For such cases, there are many third-party applications that essentially perform the functions described above. You can find them in the Play Market by searching for “Black list” or “Call blocking”.

    Block incoming calls on iPhone

    To block a number on iPhone you need to follow these steps:
  • Open the phone application.
  • Select "Recent" at the bottom of the screen. This will open a list of calls in which you need to find the number you need to block.
  • Find the number, click on the “i” button to the right of the phone number.
  • The number menu will open, at the bottom of which there will be the “Block subscriber” item. By clicking on this item, the phone will be added to the “black list”

    The iPhone also has the ability to block an entire contact with all numbers “linked” to it. This requires:

  • Open the Phone app
  • At the bottom of it, select “Contacts”.
  • In the tab that opens, select the required contact and log into it.
  • At the bottom of the screen the “Block contact” item will be displayed, clicking on which will add it to the “black list”

    Now that you have added the number to your phone's blacklist, you will no longer receive calls.

    If you received SMS spam

    Your smartphone often receives SMS messages from advertising agencies. To prevent them from disturbing you again, you can block the subscriber directly through “messages”. This requires:
  • Open a message from the number you want to block
  • Select “Details” at the top of the display
  • A subscriber card will open in which you need to press the “i” button to the right of the number.
  • In the “Data” section you need to click on the “Block subscriber” button.

    Nowadays, the concept of “personal space” has practically disappeared from human life. Having ordered any service by phone once, your phone number will forever be stored in the database of the company whose service you used. In the future, this data will be used to advertise new products and services, conduct surveys, etc. Most often, it is to avoid such intrusive advertising that they use the “black list” function on the phone.

  • Hi guys. If you are wondering how to add a person to the blacklist on Odnoklassniki, then in this article you will find all the answers on this topic. So, first, let's define the concept of a blacklist and what its purpose is.

    Blacklist is a service from the Odnoklassniki social network that allows you to block any user or friend you don’t like, in order to prevent anyone from gaining access to information from your profile. In other words, if you add a person to your blacklist, they will no longer be able to view your photos, write messages to you, view your profile, etc.

    There can be a huge number of reasons why people are added to the blacklist:

    — Various kinds of quarrel;

    - An emerging hostility towards a person;

    - Annoyance of the interlocutor;

    — Suspiciousness of the individual, etc.

    In any of these and other cases, you will need a clear algorithm for adding people to the blacklist.

    Let's look at several options for its implementation.

    Method No. 1.

    Log into your Odnoklassniki account and go to the page of the user you want to add to the blacklist.

    If you want to block your friend, then follow the link - Friends (horizontal menu) in your account, then select a friend by left-clicking once on his photo (if you have many friends, you can use the search, which is located right away above the list of friends).

    His personal page will open, where under the photo select the menu item - other actions and follow the link - complain.

    In the window that appears, check the box to add this person to the “black list” and click the Complain button.

    In the next window, click the Close button.

    That's it, the person has been successfully added to the blacklist and he won't bother you anymore.

    Method number 2. Use the search inside the Odnoklassniki social network and find a user with whom you do not want to maintain any relationship (using this method you can block both a friend and a user who is not on your friends list). The following procedure is similar to that described above. It will be useful for everyone! On the site


    You can get a large number of friends and subscribers on Odnoklassniki, and it’s also a good idea to promote your group or community.

    Method number 3.

    We confirm our actions by clicking the Block button.

    Method number 4.

    In the top horizontal menu, select the menu item - Messages, then select the user you want to block (you can use the search), click the link - also and select the item - Block interlocutor.

    In the next window, confirm the action by clicking the Block button.

    We completed the task.

    There are often times when it is necessary to unblock a specific user and remove him from the blacklist. To carry out this procedure, read the article I wrote earlier -.

    That's all friends. Now you know how to add a person to the blacklist in Odnoklassniki. We figured out how to add a friend to this list, as well as an ordinary user who is not on your friends list. If you have any questions, please ask them at

    There are situations when a person constantly writes to you with whom you would not like to continue communicating. For this case, the social network Odnoklassniki has a special function: “Block user”. This list can be replenished by any person, even if he is not a friend or his profile is closed. This article will fully answer the question of how to add a person to the blacklist in Odnoklassniki.

    • You should know that the person you have blocked will no longer be able to send you messages until they are removed from the block list. Your photos will not be available to him; naturally, he will not be able to like them either. All a user who has been blocked can do is:
    • look at the thumbnail photo on your page;

    block you in response.

    From computer

    If you have a computer from which you can log into your Odnoklassniki page, then blocking a user will not be difficult. There are several ways, depending on whether you are on his blacklist or not. as well as other factors. We will look at them in more detail below.

    If I'm on his black list

    Everything here is extremely simple. We go to this person’s page on the social network, where a small copy of his photo from the main page and the “Block user” button will be displayed. Click on it and confirm your action in the next window. As a result, the user will be blacklisted.

    In this case, the sequence of actions will be slightly different. Go to the user's page. There is a drop-down menu in the upper right corner that you just need to hover over to see the possible options. Click on the "Block" button and he will no longer be able to send you messages and will lose access to your data.

    You will now see another window asking you to confirm your actions. It is necessary so that you refuse the choice if you accidentally click on the wrong one. If you are sure that you have chosen correctly, click on the “Block user” button.

    Now this person has become a member of your blacklist on Odnoklassniki.

    If I'm his friend

    There are even more possible actions here, but the add to blacklist function looks the same. The difference from the previous instructions is that now you can remove him from your friends list and invite him to a group, in addition to blocking him. The function is available in both mobile and full versions of the site.

    From the messages section

    This is another way that allows you to add a person to your blacklist, regardless of whether you are his friend or not. It is important to know that the user must have written you at least one message. You can also write a message to him and then block him.

    Remember that it is more convenient to do this from the full rather than from the mobile version of the site.

    Go to the messages section. In the upper right corner there is a drop-down menu under the gear icon. Here you have several options. To add a user to the black list, click “Block interlocutor”.

    After this, we again see the confirmation window. Click “Block”.

    From your phone or tablet

    It’s also easy to block any user’s page from mobile devices. Go to the user page and click on the button with the drop-down menu in the upper right corner. Click on “Block”.

    In the confirmation window, click “Block user”. Ready. The person is blacklisted and will no longer be able to disturb you.



    If you want the user to be able to write to you, you need to unblock his account. Go to the person's page. In the drop-down menu under the photo there is another menu in which there is the “Unblock” button we need. Once the operation is completed, the user will be removed from the blacklist and will be able to write messages to you and perform any other actions. You can also add him as a friend.
